Electronic resources: Google Books provides digitized books to Actualitte portal

29 December 2011
Source: Pro-Books.ru

Google Books project has teamed up with Actualitte.com in a non-exclusive partnership, to open millions of rights-free publications scanned by Google to readers of the famous online book resource of France. Google Books online library, which has been still trying to reach an agreement with American publishers and authors and conducting negotiations with players of the French book market, will provide its new partner a full catalogue integrated into website.

“Library” section on Actualitte portal offers access to publications in different languages distributed between several thematic sections. Readers will be able to download books in PDF and ePub, though at the moment this option is not available for all copies.

Faced with this massive online library, the advantage for ActuaLitte readers will be that the team will present a selection of books each week that will echo current news topics. Thus they aim to present older texts that are complementary to goings-on today, hopefully offering literary perspective. Philippe Colombet, Director of Google Books in France, said: “Invaluable books will be rediscovered thanks to Google Books and the editorial content of ActuaLitte, which will offer users a new look at these works.”