Information resources and Copyright: Web conference “International initiatives for copyright law improvement”

23 December 2011

On December 23rd 2011 the Russian Association of Digital Libraries launched a web conference “International initiatives for copyright law improvement”.

Some major initiatives targeted at tackling the problem of creation and distribution of intellectual property works in digital age have been recently announced in the global community. First and foremost, this is “Moscow Copyright Convention”, which has been worked out by a group of Russian experts. This is also a Message of the President of the Russian Federation to heads of G20 member-states, which proposes basic elements of a new concept of use and protection of intellectual property on Internet. And now on Internet as well as in the US Congress there are hot debates over a bill called Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

These initiatives were in the spotlight at the web conference. Video materials from the conference will be soon available on the website of the Russian Association of Digital Libraries.