IT and Authority: New version of “Information society” state program approved

22 December 2011

The order of the government of the Russian Federation №2161-р of 02.12.2011 has approved changes to be introduced into “Information Society (2011-2020)” state program.

Goals and objectives of the program have remained unchanged. As a result, citizens and organizations should enjoy benefits from using ICTs. The program’s new version features four sub-programs: “Information and Telecommunications Infrastructure of the Information Society and Services Based upon It”, “Information Environment”, “Security in Information Society” and “Information State”.

In accordance with a new approach there are changes introduced into the structure of allocating means within the program. The new version takes into account not only expenses on events within the program, but also budgets allocated on current activities of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and lower state bodies (including budget of the Federal target program “Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation 2009-2015”), as well as subsidies to regions for development of information society and eGovernment.