World Libraries: National Library of Spain celebrates its 300th anniversary

15 December 2011

In 2012 the National Library of Spain (Madrid) – the oldest national cultural institution - is celebrating its 300th anniversary. Activities to mark the milestone will take place throughout 2012. There will be theatrical performances, lectures about books as the source of knowledge, exhibitions, concerts, publications and a meeting of Cervantes Award winners, who will read extracts from their own texts. Throughout this period there will be activities with publishers, bookshop owners and representatives from the book world. The year long celebration, lasting till the end of 2012, will begin with an international meeting of hispanists.

The National Library of Spain has actually kicked off a year of celebrations to mark its 300th anniversary on December 13th 2011 with its new exhibition “National Library of Spain: 300 Years of History” (Biblioteca Nacional de España: 300 años haciendo historia), which will run till April 15th 2012.

King Philip V approved the foundation of the Royal Public Library on 29th December 1711 and it opened its doors on 1st March 1712. The exhibition covers its history from that day, its meaning over these years, the value of the collections as Spain's heritage, and to the role of national libraries as depositories of knowledge.