IT and Archives: Archives on space exploration released on Internet

15 December 2011

Unique archival recordings of Yuri Gagarin’s speeches have been made freely available on “Heroic History of Russia in Gosteleradiofond (State Fund of TV and Radio Programs) projects” portal, which has been developed by the State Fund of TV and Radio Programs in partnership with the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. The project will be shown off on December 16th at the Central House of Journalist.

Now all Net surfers may have a chance to listen to unique recordings which let them discover the history of space exploration.

Visitors of this Internet resource can access the documentary recordings – negotiations between Sergei Korolev and Yuri Gagarin before the launch of “Vostok” spaceship-satellite, launch of the spaceship and a famous “Let’s go!”; launch of “Vostok-6” spacecraft with the first woman-astronaut on board and Valentina Tereshkova’s call signs “...It is I – Seagull...»; selected speeches of Yuri Gagarin from different years; many other audio- and video materials, which have never been released before. In “Audio archive” section you can find recorded negotiations between Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev with Pavel Belyaev during the emergency when “Voskhod-2” spaceship was making a landing.