IT and Society: Russia keeps up the lead among European countries as a market with largest online audience
According to a new report released by ComScore research company, for a second month in a row Russia has been keeping up the lead as the market with the highest number of unique visitors online. In October 2011 the number of unique users in Russia totaled 51.6 million people, a 1.6% rise from September 2011.
The total world-wide online audience amounts to 1.43 billion users, while the number of unique visitors in Europe is 376.6 million people. The second after Russia in the Top list of countries with the largest online audience, remains Germany with 50.7 million users. They are followed by France and the United Kingdom — 42.5 and 37.4 million users respectively. Finland, Norway and Ireland have got the smallest online audience — less than 3.5 million users.
However judging by the average number of web pages viewed per visitor the leader is Turkey — where a user views about 4.01 million pages per month. The average number of web pages viewed across Europe totals 3.01 million pages per user per month. Average Russian Internet-surfer has viewed 2.6 million web pages.
The United Kingdom showed the highest engagement with users spending an average of nearly 37.5 hours online while Russia is lagging behind with 24.4 hours.
Google Sites turned out to be the most popular online resource winning the 346 million user audience, what makes up 92% of the whole online audience of Europe.