IT and Security: Secure Software Development Conference runs in Moscow

13 December 2011

On December 13th 2011 Moscow is running Microsoft Secure Software Development Conference — Russia’s first practical conference for professionals in the field of secure software development.

The keynote speakers of the conference are Microsoft experts, along with TwC (Trustworthy Computing) staff — a division commissioned with security improvement of Microsoft software, development, introduction at enterprises and provision of secure software development and software integrity guides and training to partners.

The key themes of the conference are:

- Organization of processes and principles of secure software development;

- Software integrity and compliance with requirements to contractors in secure development sector;

- Tools and technologies which boost security of end-products;

- Protection of development environment from internal threats;

- Protection technologies integrated in Windows 7;

- Security of cloud computing;

- Secure development of web apps;

- Perspective studies conducted by Microsoft Research in the area of security and verification.

The live webcast of the conference is available on Microsoft’s website.