eBooks: Sales of eBook readers in Russia multiplied manyfold
According to a report released by SmartMarketing analytical group, the sales of eBook readers of different types and categories in Russia as to the first half of 2011 have amounted to 420 000 items, a 283% rise the year on year. Sales in the second quarter saw a rise of 286% compared to the first quarter, from 110 000 items to 315 000 items). Analysts consider that the main result of this period is a stable growth of the eBook readers’ market, which is becoming more mature, structured and at the same time has reserves for growth.
Within half-year both groups saw a dynamic growth: eBook readers with E-Ink displays with a share of 68.4% (288 000 items), and devices with TFT displays – 31.6% (133 000 pieces), including convergent (cEBR, Android-tablets for reading eBooks).