Regions of Russia: Exhibit devoted to the first Russian governor of Alaska kicks off in Arkhangelsk Region

6 December 2011

On December 5th 2011 the Museum and Exhibition Center of Kargopol Museum of History, Architecture and Art (Arkhangelsk Region) staged “We discover America” exhibition, which turns the spotlight on 265th birth anniversary of a famous governor of Alaska – Alexander Baranov, who was born in Kargopol.

The exhibition casts the light on development of northern territories of a distant and mysterious American continent, tells about Russian early pioneers, researchers of Alaska, its nature and indigenous population of the North America, as well as its culture.

Alexander Andreevich Baranov (1746-1819) – a merchant from Kargopol, who had previously run a large fur company of G. I. Shelekhov became the first governor of Russian lands in Alaska. Alexander Baranov – is the most remarkable and outstanding man in the history of Alaska. He made a great contribution to extension of Russia-owned lands, building of new settlements, schools, churches, shipyards, studying of minerals.

The exhibition reveals the Russian past of Alaska, its nature and culture of indigenous peoples. This is the first time Kargopol Museum has put on show authentic Indian items from its own collections and private collections. It also tells about descendants of Alexander Baranov, contacts of Kargopol and Alaska, and an expedition of “Pomor” boat to America.