Presidential Library: New Arrivals

2 December 2011

The Presidential Library keeps releasing materials provided for digitization by the State Public Historical Library on its portal.

All who take an interest in Russian philosophy of 19th century may now discover works of the Russian thinker, writer of political essays, man of letters and critic — Konstantin Leontyev (1831-1891), and also editions devoted to him.

Life milestones, views and beliefs of the philosopher are reflected in the following books: Zakrzhevsky A. K. Lonely Thinker : (Konstantin Leontyev) : Marking 25th Death Anniversary (Kiev, 1916), Alexandrov A. A. I. In Memory of K. N. Leontyev; II. Letters of K. N. Leontyev to Anatoly Alexandrov. (Sergiev Posad, 1915), Berdyaev N. A. Konstantin Leontyev : Essay on the History of Russian Religious Thought (Paris, 1926), In Memory of Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontyev. 1891. (St. Petersburg, 1911).

A whole number of “oriental” stories and tales (“Hrizo”, “Hamid and Manoli”, “Pembe”, “Aspazia Lampridi” etc.) together with a novel “Odysseus Polichroniades” (Collected works. Vol. 2: Life of Christians in Turkey. Moscow, 1912) were created by Leontyev during his service in Russian consulates in Ottoman Porte (Turkey): in Candia (Crete), Edirne (Adrianople), Ioannina, Thessaloniki etc.

Most political, critical and publicistic works by K. N. Leontyev, which were published in different periodicals between 1873-1883, were united in “East, Russia and the Slavdom” collected works (Collected works, volumes 57. Moscow, 1912-1919). Its central theme is the role of Slavdom and Orthodox Church in the history and culture of societies and states. The fifth volume features an article “Byzantism and Slavdom”, which reveals Leontyev’s philosophical and historical concept.

Preparation of new materials is underway.