IT and Society: Coordination Center for .RU/.РФ domains announces establishment of “Intelligent Internet” Foundation
On November 29th 2011 the Council of the Coordination Center for TLD RU held its regular meeting.
At the meeting, the Coordination Center’s CEO Andrei Kolesnikov elaborated on a subject of the top-level domain .ДЕТИ. The Coordination Center is considering an initiative to apply for the respective domain under the New gTLD program. According to Andrei Kolesnikov .ДЕТИ domain will be an integrated registry of resources with the focus on children. The main purpose of the new domain is to promote and popularize websites for children and teenagers.
“Domain .ДЕТИ — is an online space where young visitors, above all, should enjoy themselves, — says Marina Nikerova, the Chair of the Coordination Center’s Council. — The new domain is intended for educational and edutainment content, which should be amusing and at the same time safe for the young online audience. Safety in .ДЕТИ domain — is mostly a matter of technology”.
To that end the Coordination Center decided to set up a non-profit “Intelligent Internet” foundation and approved its Charter, as well as the foundation’s financial structure. In particular, it was decided that the foundation would assume regulation of activities of organizations in .ДЕТИ domain, as well as drafting and submission of an application for the domain to ICANN. In the future the foundation will be incorporated to administer .ДЕТИ domain according to the procedures under the New gTLD program.