History of St. Petersburg: Theoretical and Practical Conference “Splendid St. Petersburg. Role of 19th c. architects in creation of the city’s inimitable image”
On December 2nd 2011 the State Museum-Memorial “Saint Isaac’s Cathedral” is holding a Theoretical and Practical Conference “Splendid St. Petersburg. Role of 19th c. architects in creation of the city’s inimitable image”, which focuses on masterpieces of eminent architects who brought St. Petersburg the fame of one of the most beautiful cities of Europe.
Plenary sessions and sections are running at “Smolny Cathedral” Concert and Exhibition Hall.
High on the agenda are issues related to restoration of architectural monuments; use of architectural monuments by museums, excursion, methodological and exhibition activities.
The conference brings to an end events devoted to 225th birth anniversary of the St. Isaac’s Cathedral’s architect - Auguste de Montferrand, which is celebrated in 2011.