IT and Education: Digital textbooks introduced at school of Orenburg Region

2 December 2011

Gymnasium №3, Orenburg, has launched first lessons featuring digital textbooks. The regional government has made a present to this educational institution – an electronic educational set which includes 25 enTourage eDGe digital textbooks.

As a part of the educational process modernization initiative in 2011-2012 school year gymnasium №3 of Orenburg has become a pioneer in launching an experiment to test electronic educational set. The project is funded by the means allocated by federal and regional budgets.

The experiment has brought together pupils of gymnasium’s 6th, 7th and 9th forms, each of them will get their own logins and passwords ensuring access to educational resources on social studies, history of Russia, literature, biology and geography via digital textbooks.

This Electronic Educational Set has been purchased at “Akademkniga/Uchebnik” Publishing House”. All through the experiment specialists of the publishing house will consult its participants by holding webinars, online consultations for teachers who use digital textbooks in the learning process. 

Until the end of the school year the course of the experiment will be supervised by the Ministry of Education of Orenburg Region. Positive experience of digital textbook’s introduction is expected to be shared with other schools of the region.