World Museums: The Louvre Museum to get a new building in the heart of Paris

30 January 2012
Source: RIA Novosti

The L'hotel de la Marine building located on the Place de la Concorde in Paris, which is at the moment occupied by the naval offices, will come into possession of the Louvre in 2014.

“The idea is not to move one division of the Louvre there, but to put on display collections of different institutions, such as Mobilier national, The manufacture nationale de Sèvres and Musée des Arts Décoratifs”, the Director of the Louvre Museum Henri Loyrette said.

The ground floor of the new building is expected to become a venue for lectures and expositions. The first floor, where the salon of Napoleon III and rooms of quartermasters were located in the past, will turn into a “treasure gallery” featuring a collection of jewelry and also run temporary exhibitions.

What is more, early this January after six years of construction works the Louvre opened a new building to house the collection of art of Muslim countries. The shape of the building’s roof resembles the sail and is made of gold and glass.