Memorable dates of Russia: “Memory of the Fatherland. The War of 1812 in Painting, Music and Film” exhibit runs in Omsk
On January 23rd 2012 Pushkin State Regional Research Library in Omsk, art division, staged a book exhibition called “Memory of the Fatherland. The War of 1812 in Painting, Music and Film”, which is devoted to 200th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.
This exposition reveals major works of art related to the memory of Napoleon’s defeat in Russia.
The exposition in celebration of the anniversary covers the most typical, impressive materials, studies, memoirs of contemporaries, sheet music, audio materials, and films, which have become the classic of Russian filmmaking.
It also reflects the theme of the Patriotic War of 1812 in works of composers of 19th and 20th cc.: Peter Tchaikovsky (“1812” overture, Jurgenson publishing company, 1882), Sergei Prokofev (“War and Peace” opera), Tikhon Khrennikov (music to the “Long long ago” performance). Besides, the display includes war-time songs and marches, works which glorify the victory of the Russian weapon - chorus, couplets for the return of the Imperial army, and those written by participants of hostilities.