Prime Minister of Russia: Vladimir Putin supports the idea of strengthening the role of Russian language and Russian history in education
The Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin finds it necessary to promote the role of Russian language, Russian literature and Russian history in education.
In the article published in “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” of January 23rd 2012 Vladimir Putin raises an issue related to preservation of Russian cultural dominant, and adds that its bearers are not just limited to ethnic Russians.
“The civil purpose of the education, the system of education – is to give everyone the compulsory store of humanities knowledge which forms the fundamentals of national self-identity. And, first and foremost, I mean the promotion of the role of such subjects as Russian language, Russian literature, History of Russia - naturally, in the context of the abundance of national traditions and cultures”, the article reads.
The Prime Minister highlights the uniqueness of the Russian experience of statehood development – “we are a multinational society, but we are one nation”.
Vladimir Putin is sure that Russia will succeed in providing a harmonious development of a multicultural community relying on culture, history and identity type.
He states that Russian people are state-formative, and the great mission of the Russians – is to unite and consolidate the civilization.