Museums of Russia: Unique Museum of Gold in Sverdlovsk Region to undergo reconstruction

18 January 2012

The Museum of Gold located in the town of Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk Region) will be reconstructed in 2012 to reveal the three-century history of precious metal mining in Russia.

“This is a unique museum as no other one exists in Russia and it has been established at home of Russian gold. We are going to prepare an exposition that would highlight the role of precious metal in human’s life, and also show the time when people turned their eyes on gold. Thus, the museum will become the main attraction of tourists from different districts of the Urals, Russia, as well as foreign guests”, said Vladimir Bykodorov - Deputy Director General of Sverdlovsk Regional Local Lore Museum.

Berezovsky district is considered to be the home of Russian gold. In the spring of 1745 peasant Yerofey Markov discovered Russia’s first gold mine not far away from the confluence of rivers Berezovka and Pyshma. Berezovsky Historical Museum of Gold and Platinum Industry of the Urals was established in 1970 on the initiative of the town’s oldest regional historian Silva Openkina.