IT abroad: Iomega announces new data storage system

11 January 2012

Iomega has announced its new network storage device which can house up to 6 terabytes of data and is intended for groups of users as well as small and mid-sized businesses. According to Iomega, the new StorCenter ix2 solution can run on Windows, Mac and Linux computers.

The producer also claims that the new product can back small cloud services, and also groups of users, e.g., of a small office who work with diskless workstations.

StorCenter ix2 boasts a simple setup process which doesn’t require any extra software or an installation disk as all the necessary software has been pre-installed. To get access to a number of extra features users can download EMC LifeLine app and customize the solution. What is more, the new solution is compatible with cloud services Mozy, Amazon SE and EMC Atmos and it can be also used as a small information archive with mostly required data.

The available versions for 2TB, 4TB or 6TB of total storage space allow RAID and mirroring protection, as well as other multi-drive functions.