The Russian Federation Prime Minister: Russia can use its culture as a factor of advancement at global markets

27 February 2012
Source: BaltInfo

Russia can use its culture as a factor of advancement at the global markets, said Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in his article "Russia and the Changing World", published by "Moscow News".

"Russia has inherited a great culture recognized both in the West and the East. But for now we have invested very little in the cultural industries, in their progress at the global market. The revival of global interest for the ideas and culture, manifested through the incorporation of societies and economies into the global information network, provides Russia, which disposes of great talents in the production of cultural values, with additional chances," says Vladimir Putin.

"For Russia, there is an opportunity not only to preserve its culture, but to use it as a powerful factor of advancement the global markets. The Russian-speaking area - it is almost all the countries of the former Soviet Union and much of Eastern Europe. Not the empire, but cultural advancement; not guns and import of political regimes but export of education and culture will contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for Russian goods, services and ideas," assured the prime minister.

According to Vladimir Putin, Russia has to strengthen educational and cultural presence in the world and increase it in the countries where the population speaks Russian or understands Russian.

"We need to seriously discuss how to use most effectively for the objective perception of Russia the major international events to take place in our country soon, such as the summits of APEC in 2012, the summits of “The G20" and "The G8" in 2013 and 2014, the World Student Games in Kazan in 2013, the winter Olympic games in 2014, the world championships in hockey and football in 2016 and 2018 respectively," writes the prime minister.