Information technology and world languages: Esperanto is now supported by Google Translate

26 February 2012
Source: RIA Novosti

The artificial international language Esperanto was the 64th language, supported by Google Translate, according to Google’s corporate blog.

Esperanto was created by a Polish oculist Ludwig Zamenhof in 1887. His first published book on Esperanto was called "Lingvo internacia. Antauparolo kaj plena lernolibro "(«International language. Preface and complete tutorial"). 125 years after the creation of the language, according to various estimates, there are from one hundred thousand to several million people who speak Esperanto.

According to the developers of Google, the idea of creating a simple to learn international language, underlying in the basis of Esperanto, has largely facilitated the development of automatic translation.

The function of translation from Esperanto and to it is already available in browser-based version of Google Translate. In the near future, the company plans to add this language to its mobile version, as well as to iOS and Android application platforms.