Electronic resources: OCLC adds 500,000 records to WorldCat from China Academic Library and Information System

24 February 2012
Source: OCLC

OCLC has added 500,000 records to WorldCat from the China Academic Library and Information System (CALIS), a nationwide academic library consortium with a mission to promote, maintain and improve resource sharing among Chinese university libraries and other libraries and institutions. These records represent Chinese publications between 1987 and 2001.

The records have been added to WorldCat to help promote the use of the CALIS collection and use of OCLC resource sharing services in libraries in China, and to maximize each organization's strengths in enhancing cooperative building and sharing of information resources on a global scale.

The project to load these records into WorldCat completes phase one of a cooperative agreement between CALIS and OCLC. After a year, CALIS and OCLC will evaluate the project, based on cost to both organizations, global impact on scholarship and society, effectiveness of resource sharing and document delivery, and overall impact in libraries.