Culture and power: “Culture of Russia” federal target program draft considered

24 February 2012

February 22, 2012 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Russian government was considered a draft of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)."

The draft resolution was submitted by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. The program implementation will promote systemic conditions for the modernization of cultural potential, will attract more investments into the sector, and aims at strengthening and development of interethnic relations in Russia through the inter-regional cultural exchange, provision of open and equal access to cultural values and the phenomena of contemporary art, to historical monuments, cultural heritage and other cultural centers, creating conditions for identification and sustainable development of young talents, attracting the interest of young people to art and contemporary art, creation of cultural and ideological prerequisites for the formation of moral priorities among the younger generation.

The strategic goal of the program is to preserve Russia's cultural identity and to create conditions for equal access to cultural goods, development and implementation of cultural and spiritual potential of every individual.

The financial support for the federal program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)" from all sources equals to192.9 billion rubles.