Exhibitions: “Kazimir Malevich: Signs Come From Us” exposition in Moscow

23 February 2012

February 23, 2012 the exhibition hall on Myasnitskaya str. in Moscow is opening the "Kazimir Malevich: Signs Come From Us" exhibition dedicated to the 133th birthday anniversary of the creator of "The Black Square".

Malevich's ideas still have a great impact on the artistic processes around the world, and it is quite well illustrated by the exhibition "Kazimir Malevich: Signs Come From Us."

The exposition includes works by Russian artists, deservedly regarded as classics of modern art, such as Vladimir Nemukhin, Francisco Infante, George Avakumov, Igor Vulokh and many others. Participants of the exhibition, each in its own way, attempted to unravel the mystery of "The Black Square" and presented their variations on the theme of the most famous work of Kasimir Malevich, trying to continue and expand the study of color and composition.