Electronic resources: “Touching the History” Database presentation in the Altai Krai library

22 February 2012

February 22, 2012, the V. Ya. Shishkov Altai Krai Universal Scientific Library (AKUNB) hosts a presentation of the "AKUNB Electronic Library" database entitled "Touching the History" as a part of the "Published in the Altai 2011" Book Festival.

The V.Ya. Shishkov Altai Krai Universal Scientific Library disposes of the most complete collections of regional documents in the Krai, specially featuring rare local history editions held by the Rare Books Department.

The basis for the formation of the electronic library is the documents of the local history nature in all branches of knowledge:

- Literature monuments from the "Kolyvano Resurrection Book Collection" (1764-1803);

- Documents on the history of the Altai Krai and Siberia of the late 19th - early 20th centuries from the Rare Books Department collection;

- Reference and encyclopedic literature;

- Statistical collected works of the late 19th century to the present day;
- Periodicals of the early 20th century, as well as many other bibliographic rarities.

The AKUNB Electronic Library is aimed at a wide audience of users and is designed to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge about the history, culture, literature, geography, formation of cities and regions of the Altai Krai and other territories of Siberia.