Exhibitions: Works by Avant-garde painting masters displayed in Izhevsk

19 February 2012

The exhibition of avant-garde art was opened in the capital of the Udmurtia Republic, Izhevsk, at the "Gallery" Exhibition Center.

The connoisseurs of art saw the world of avant-garde art movements of the 20th century. The exhibition brought together the works by greatest masters of the age - Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Vassiliy Kandinsky, Joan Miro, Georges Braque, Marc Chagall.

Opening the exhibition itscurator, an employee of the St. Petersburg Art Center "Perinnye Ryady" Alexandra Polishchuk, , said that it was completed from many private collections of Europe and is the result of long negotiations with the owners of the paintings. Before the paintings were taken to Izhevsk, they were displayed for the cultural community of St. Petersburg and Voronezh.

According to the curator, the basic idea of the exhibition was to bring together in one room the works of famous and lesser-known representatives of the avant-garde art of the 20th century, thus presenting the audience with a profile of the trend.

The exhibition includes 65 paintings by artists from different countries, classes, world-view and prosperity. The exhibition will run in Izhevsk until March 4.