Information technology and power: New portal of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade under the St. Petersburg government created

18 February 2012
Source: CNews

The works on creation of the information portal of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade under the St. Petersburg government have been completed.

The Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade is one of the key committees of the St. Petersburg government, authorized executive body of the government of St. Petersburg for the formation and implementation of innovation policy in the city.

The main attention during the stage of the portal development was paid to the optimization of informational interaction between the Committee and users, both physical and legal entities, including foreign ones. To solve this problem, a full designing of the portal’s information structure was made, the English version developed, a convenient and user-friendly search engine introduced. In addition, regular users were offered an opportunity to self-configure the portal design by controlling the location of information sections related to the work of the Committee departments, news, events, changes in legislation, etc.

A particular focus when creating the resource has been directed to the interactivity with the audience. For this purpose, the portal contains a feedback form, surveys, auto-rating of materials. In addition, for the convenience of the customer there has been created a statistical system that allows the Committee’s management to effectively assess the popularity of information materials and sections.