Information technology and society: Russian companies to contribute to the development of international Internet standards

17 February 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

The specialists of Russian IT companies will be involved in the development of international standards for Web technologies. This will be possible thanks to the opening of a representative office of the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C.

"One of the main objectives of opening a representative office is the expansion of information communication markets, the opportunity to participate in the global web communities, to share unified data, and most importantly to find a strategy for companies development in compliance with the world technological innovations", said the director of the W3C Office in Russia Viktor Klintsov at a press conference on the opening of the Moscow office.

The W3C is developing uniform principles and standards for the Internet, which are then implemented by software and hardware manufacturers. To date, the consortium includes over 350 organizations from 28 countries worldwide.

B. Klintsov stressed that "Russia’s office will be the link with the global web community, and new IT standards."

In his turn, the W3C Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Bernard Gideon said that "Russia has accumulated a large base of expertise and it would be just a waste not to engage these new developments in the global network." He also noted that Russia has already identified areas where the companies will be invited from. These are mainly government agencies, industries, oil and gas industry companies and educational ones.