Book publishing and electronic environment: “Book and reading in the context of electronic environment development” round table in Minsk

12 February 2012

9 February 2012, in the context of the 19th Minsk International Book Fair, the National library of Belarus hosted a meeting of the “Book and Reading in the Context of the Electronic Environment Development” round table.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus and the National library of Belarus.

During the round table were discussed the following issues: state and development prospects of reading and book publishing, areas of cooperation between publishing houses and libraries in the field of provision of access to electronic editions, problems of improvement of the legislative source and the system of state control in the sphere of creation and use of electronic editions, etc.

In the context of the round table was held a ceremony of awarding of public libraries and the Minsk Regional Executive Committee for their efficient engagement with socially valuable literature in 2011.