Information technology abroad: New techniques of information record will accelerate hard drives in hundred times

11 February 2012

In the latest issue of scientific and technical edition Nature Communications q group of scientists published information about a new data storage technique that can increase the speed of hard disk drives 100-fold. At the heart of the new technology is thermal radiation, so that data is stored as a result of a common procedure of magnetization.

"Instead of using magnetic fields to record information on a magnetized surface, we propose to use a more robust force and record the information only by thermal radiation. This revolutionary method allows you to record terabytes of data every second, making the information media of the future is much more efficient than now. In addition, since there is no need to use the magnetic field, energy consumption is also reduced, "- says Thomas Ostler, one of the authors of the development.

According to him, the speed of the laser is 1/10, 000 fraction of a nanosecond, but even in such a short time it can clearly identify a logical zero or one on the carrier’s surface.

The only drawback to the technology of today is the inability to create a compact unit for laser radiation, as well as the lack of high-speed reader. However, engineers are working on these problems.