IT and Libraries: Russian State Children’s Library to launch a service of web resources recommended for kids
The Russian State Children’s Library in partnership with Vympelcom Ltd. is working on a list of safe and useful web resources intended to promote children’s development and education. The project known as “Attractive Internet: Web-Guide for Kids and Adults” will enable children and parents to find positive and educational information on the web avoiding negative content.
The main purpose of this project is to launch a constantly-updated service which would provide web resources for children and young adults. The service will be based on the values of positive information, which generates interest in science, culture, education, sport and society. The peculiar feature of this project is the fact that its experts will be both adults and children. The idea is to help adults verify Internet world from the standpoint of its safety, useful content and its value for development, while kids – from the standpoint of its interest, entertainment and perception. Resources will be systematically checked by the advisory council. The latter will bring together experienced pedagogues, over 4000 librarians from all over Russia, as well as the youth chambers of Safe Internet Center. Thus, the checked and approved resource gets into the white list of websites, which, on the one hand, contains reliable information and, on the other hand, attracts interest on the part of kids.