Memorable dates of Russia: Book shows devoted to 200th anniversary of victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 run in Orel

8 February 2012

“No wonder all Russia remembers” – is the name of the series of book exhibitions in celebration of 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, which kicked off on February 6th 2012 in Ivan Bunin Regional Public Library in Orel.

The first to debut as a part of the series was an exhibition called “Alexander I and Napoleon”. “Out of the whole richness of materials we have chosen the most interesting and newest editions which turn the spotlight on the prehistory of the War of 1812, Russian and French diplomacy on the threshold of the war, plans of the parties, and relations between Alexander I and Napoleon”, the library’s Director Valery Bubnov said.

“Alexander I and Napoleon” exhibition will run until February 20th. At the end of February it will be replaced by a new book exposition focused on a celebrated Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov. “Field of military glory”, “Chevalier guardsmen, you won fame!” exhibitions are scheduled for August and September. The series will come to an end with “We are proud of the glory of our ancestors” exhibit due in October.