Education: Floating University in the Arctic

7 February 2012

Floating University will open on board of "Professor Molchanov" research vessel in summer of 2012. Relevant scientific program was signed February 7, 2012 at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NAFU).

The event, dedicated to the Day of Russian science, which is celebrated on February 8, was attended by Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region, Igor Orlov, NAFU chancellor Elena Kudryashova and Chief of the North Directorate of hydro-meteorological service Leonid Vasilev. It was agreed that in the summer of 2012, NAFU students would undergo a practical training and gain knowledge in the Arctic, on board of a laboratory vessel, which has no analogues in the world.

According to organizers, the syllabus of the "Floating University" will be the basis for the preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of hydro-meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric physics and related sciences. Practical skills obtained by students during the 40 days trip through the White, Barents and Kara seas will enable them to master modern equipment, contribute to the scientific research. The results of their work are expected to be used for the needs of various institutions: Russian Hydro-meteorological Service, Academy of Sciences, Mineral Exploration, Ministry of Emergencies.

"This is a really historic moment, because the project has no world analogues yet. "Floating University" is a unique research laboratory with the educational aspect, "- said the head of the Northern Hydro-meteorological Service L. Vasiliev.