Memory of Russia: Monument to admiral Nakhimov to appear in St. Petersburg

3 February 2012
Source: BaltInfo

This year sees 210th birth anniversary of a great Russian admiral Pavel Nakhimov. To celebrate the anniversary the first full-length monument to the admiral is planned to be erected in a public garden in Nakhimov Street, St. Petersburg in 2012.

Presently there is only one sculptural bust to admiral Nakhimov, which is located next to Nakhimov school on Petrograd Side (Petrogradskaya storona). In connection with the anniversary the public came up with an initiative for the admiral’s full-length monument to be built in our city.

The site for the new monument has been chosen not by accident. Right here on Vasilyevsky Island Nakhimov acquired his first skills in maritime service. The public garden itself has been set in celebration of the first victory of Russian ships on sea, and not far away from this place on Pribaltiyskaya Square there is a monument to Peter the Great – the founder of the Russian Navy. Therefore the appearance of the full-length monument to the outstanding Russian admiral will be rather appropriate and symbolic.

There was a competition for the best project of Admiral Nakhimov’s monument launched in the Union of Artists in December 2011. Members of the working group were unanimous in supporting the project proposed by sculptor Lukyanov. It shows the full-length figure of the admiral deep in thought before the battle holding a telescope. The figure reaches 3.6 meters, while the size of the pedestal is 3 meters. The author was inspired by the historical events of Sevastopol defence during the Russo-Turkish War, severe battles on land with shipboard guns commanded by Pavel Nakhimov. The monument presents heroism and fortitude displayed by the admiral.

The monument to Nakhimov is expected to appear on the admiral’s birthday on July 5 2012. Today there is a foundation stone on a site of the future monument.