IT and regions of Russia: Moscow’s e-atlas undergoes testing

1 February 2012
Source: TASS Telecom

Electronic atlas of Moscow is undergoing testing on Internet. The new city geo-information system, which will be deployed by all official web resources of Moscow and also used to promote rendering of govt services electronically, is now available to all interested even though it has not been officially rolled out.

“E-atlas – is Moscow’s own mapping resource which combines reliable legally significant information on the city infrastructure and interactive services for citizens”, - the Moscow City Information Technologies Department explained.

The electronic atlas to get released on is supposed to be integrated into the Common Geo-Information Space of Moscow City that includes tools for town planning, development of social, engineering and transport infrastructure. At present this system brings together 15 agencies of Moscow.

To join testing you need to fill in the form which can be found in a special section on the website of the Information Technologies Department at