Memorable dates of Russia: “2012 — The Year of the History of Russia and the Middle Urals” program shown in Yekaterinburg on Boris Yeltsin’s birthday

1 February 2012

February 1st 2012 sees 81st birth anniversary of the first President of Russia and an honorary citizen of Sverdlovsk Region - ­Boris Yeltsin. Following the tradition on this day Boris Yeltsin Center in the Urals (Yekaterinburg) will bring together high-school classmates and comrades of the first President of Russia. Together they will celebrate Boris Yeltsin’s 81st birth anniversary.

The attendants of the meeting will be shown a presentation of a new tour program “2012 — The Year of the History of Russia and the Middle Urals”, a book authored by I. M. Peshkova “Again on the art of Kasli masters”, and a video CD “Russia’s millennium in commemorative coins”. On display will go unique books “The war of Russian people against Napoleon in 1812” and a seven-volume encyclopedic edition “Russian society and the Patriotic War of 1812”, which came out in 1912 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Russia’s victory over the French.