History of Russia: Historical and documentary exhibition “National Guard of Russia. History and Present Time. 130 Years” in Moscow

22 March 2012

On March 22 2012 a new historical and documentary exhibition “National Guard of Russia. History and Present Time. 130 Years” is kicking off at the Federal State Archives’ exhibition hall (Moscow).

In 1881 after a tragic death of Emperor Alexander II His Imperial Majesty’s Own Guard was established. It was Russia’s first special service responsible for protection of high officials. In the Soviet Union the function was performed by special units, with some of them based on pre-revolutionary national guard units. As for today, the protection of the President of Russia and other top officials of the state is performed by the Federal Protective Service (Federal Guard Service) of the Russian Federation – a special service, which fulfils the function of the national guard. The exhibit sheds light on little-known episodes in the history of the national guard and lets you take a new look at well-known historical events.

The exposition includes three sections: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern. The show unveils rare photographs, unique archival papers and exhibits which present the origin, formation and development of the national guard system in Russia and illustrate the activities of certain guard units: Moscow Kremlin Commandant’s Office, Special Purpose Garage, Presidential Regiment etc.

Many of these papers and exhibits have never been on show before. Among the highlights are unique plans of Moscow Kremlin, which reconstruct its appearance during the most dramatic periods of Russian history – the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War. United with a present-day plan, they show three epochs of Kremlin (19th, 20th and 21st cc.), changes which took place in the appearance of the political and spiritual center of the state. Of particular interest is the world map which indicates the places where the Special Purpose Garage’s cars travelled. On show are illustrated editions, prepared by the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation within the past decade.

The exhibition also showcases historical prints, documents and photographs which illustrate the rich and multifaceted history of the national guard of Russia and its present day.

Screen monitors show unique shots and fragments of films, which have been made available to the general public for the first time.