Exhibitions: Rare editions illustrated by Mikhail Vrubel featured in Omsk

17 March 2012

March 15, 2012 the M. A. Vrubel Regional Museum of Visual Arts, Omsk, opened the exhibition "Vrubel: Unfading Magic of Picture."

Annually celebrating the master's birthday in March, the Museum has prepared the exhibition, featuring the editions of rare books from the collections of the M. A. Vrubel Regional Museum of Visual Arts of Omsk and the A. S. Pushkin State Regional Scientific Library of Omsk.

The core of the exposition is the album of illustrations by M. A. Vrubel to the works of Mikhail Lermontov, which has no analogues in the history of Russian book publishing. Experimental edition, published in 1964 on the 150th anniversary of the poet, includes facsimile reproductions of drawings to "The Demon", “Ismail Bey," "A Hero of Our Time" and the selected lyrics. These illustrations were made by Vrubel in 1891.

Paying tribute to the great artist, his unrivaled talent of a painter, the exhibition also aims to make public the rare editions, which are the examples of book art of the twentieth century. It demonstrates the high culture, impeccable taste, excellent technical quality.