Museums of Russia: State Historical Museum launches expo-presentation of the National Portrait Gallery
A new exhibition, devoted to inauguration of the National Portrait Gallery, kicked off on March 13th 2012 at the State Historical Museum in Moscow.
It was Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia, recently elected as President, who came up with an initiative of gallery’s foundation in 2010. The gallery together with the War of 1812 Museum were supposed to open their doors in the City Duma building, owned by the State Historical Museum. However as the work over the project moved forward it became clear there was not enough space for the new gallery, which is scheduled to open in September. What is more, there is still no agreement on funding and the content of the exposition.
At the meeting of the Ministry of Culture’s Board it was decided to launch the project of the National Portrait Gallery with an expo-presentation and multimedia portal which will accumulate ideas on contemporaries and personalities of the past who deserve to be added to the pleiad of outstanding citizens of Russia.
Director of the State Historical Museum Alexei Levykin said that the expo-presentation was undertaken to reach as many people as possible and get the discussion started.
Exhibits for the show are provided by the State Historical Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, which hold exceptional portrait collections.
The show will run till June 11th.