Publishing and Book Distribution: Program of 15th “Books of Russia” National Expo-Fair developed
The general program of the 15th National Expo-Fair “Books of Russia” has been elaborated. The expo-fair will run March 14th – 19th 2012, Moscow. Its central exponent will become the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), which is celebrating the 380th anniversary of joining the Russian state this year.
The republic’s cultural workers will prepare a large-scale publishing exposition along with a rich program, which would allow to visualize the publishing industry, and present culture and art of this original region of the Russian Federation in broader way.
The fair will also feature various book expositions:
- “8th All-Russian Competition of regional and local lore literature “Homeland“.
- “Year of History in Russia”.
- “Life and work of V. G. Rasputin”. In celebration of 75th birth anniversary.
- “Young literature”.
- Book exposition devoted to the centenary of Air Force of Russia.
- “Book collection of the “Battle of Borodino” Museum-Panorama”.