IT and Security: Mobile malware explosion reported

2 March 2012

The number of malicious programs, targeting mobile devices, has increased six-fold in 2011 as compared to 2010, according to Kaspersky Lab’s “Mobile virology” report.

In 2011, particularly in its 2nd half, the number of new threats for mobile platforms was rapidly growing. Never before have experts witnessed anything like this within the whole history of mobile malware. The report reveals that the number of malicious programs targeting mobile devices included 5,255 new malware modifications indentified throughout the year. In December alone Kaspersky Lab has uncovered more new malicious programs targeting mobile devices than over the entire 2004 to 2010 period.

Apart from the dramatic growth in the number of mobile threats, 2011 also saw some qualitative changes in the list of the most popular malicious programs as compared to 2010.

There are major changes detected in the share of mobile threats against the platforms. When it comes to platforms, a steady rise in the number of threats targeting Android was observed during the last six months of 2011. Approx. in mid. summer the share of malicious applications targeted against Android platform passed the malware share of Symbian, and in the fall the malware share of J2ME platform as well.

“Summing up the results of the last year, we may say with certainty that it has become very significant in the evolution of mobile threats, — concludes the report’s author Denis Maslennikov. — Firstly, judging by the rapid growth of malware. Secondly, because Android was singled out by attackers. And thirdly, because in 2011 cyber criminals in fact automated the production and distribution of malware”.