Libraries of Russia: Exhibition “Periodicals 100 years ago. Leafing through newspapers and magazines dated 1912” in Krasnoyarsk Krai library

1 March 2012

On February 29th 2012 Krasnoyarsk Krai State Research Library opened an exhibition “Periodicals 100 years ago. Leafing through newspapers and magazines dated 1912”.

This is the first large-scale exposition ran by the library as a part of the Year of Russian History. It showcases newspapers and magazines dated 1912 from the library’s holdings: “Niva”, “Ogonek”, “Sovremennik”, “Russkoe bogatstvo”, “Vestnik Yevropy”, “Solntse Rossii”, “Yeniseiskie gubernskie vedomosti” etc. The press carried an extensive coverage of the anniversary of victory in the Patriotic war of 1812, wreck of “Titanic”, and elections to the Fourth State Duma.

Particular attention on pages of periodicals was drawn to cultural life: art and museum exhibitions, new books and theatrical premieres. In the spotlight was the life of show business stars of that time: ballerinas Mathilde Kschessinska and Anna Pavlova, opera singer Feodor Shalyapin. Magazines were richly illustrated with reproductions of paintings by Repin, Surikov, Makovsky, Korovin and other artists.

Pages of many of editions carry stamps of bookshops, public and private libraries of Krasnoyarsk. These stamps are witnesses of the history of particular institutions, personalities and socio-political life of Yenisey Governorate of those years as a whole.

The exhibition will run till March 12.