Peoples of Russia: “The Peoples of Russia. Dagestan in Photographs of the 19th – early 20th centuries” Exhibition in St. Petersburg
April 20, 2012 at the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society (St. Petersburg) opened a photo exhibition "The Peoples of Russia. Dagestan in Photos of the 19th - early 20th century”.
It includes photos of villages, cities of Dagestan, the mountaineers of the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century from the collections of the Museum of History of Makhachkala, the Museum of History of Tbilisi and the Russian Geographical Society.
At the exhibition, visitors can see the works both by recognized photographers - D. Ermakov, A. Roinashvili, I. Abuladze, and by scholars, travelers, who were taking photos specifically for scientific research. These include photographs, made during the expedition of a full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, A.K. Serzhputovsky to Nagorno-Dagestan in 1910, and during the expedition of H. Bush to Dagestan in 1904. These are domestic scenes, bazaars and streets of cities, monuments and national costumes, household items and portraits of Dagestan, historical sites and panoramas.
Some rare pictures represent an undoubted historical interest: "Shamil and his sons, Mohammed-Shapiro and Gazi-Magomed," "Breakfast in the Shale gorge of the Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in 1893,” “The daub house of Peter I, where he rested August 23, 1722," "Blessing of the monument over the "Stone of Prince Bariatinskiy" at the top of Gunib in 1893, in the presence of HIH, Crown Prince" and others.
The exhibition will run till May 15.