Internet and society: Issues of collecting and storing personal data discussed at the World Wide Web 21st International Conference on Digital Technology in Lyons

20 April 2012

16 to 20 April 2012, Lyons (France) is hosting the World Wide Web 21st International Conference on Digital Technology.

Creator of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, speaking at the conference expressed the view that Internet users should pay more attention to the issue of "transparency" of collecting and storing personal data on the web.

"Collection of personal data in one form or another has now become commonplace," noted the British scientist. - Search engines cataloging user’s requests, online shops capture customers’ preferences, not to mention the situation with social networks."

"Of course, all this is done in order to improve virtual services, stressed the scientist. - However, this process has a reverse side. If this information is stored somewhere, sooner or later it may fall into the wrong hands."

"Users of the World Wide Web should have complete freedom of action in regard to removal or editing personal data on the web," says Berners-Lee. Moreover, there should be a standardized form for this procedure, he says.