Memory of Russia: Exhibition “On the guard of the Russian Land” timed to the Day of the military glory in Russia, Moscow

18 April 2012

18 April 2012 a new historical art exhibition “On the guard of the Russian Land” timed to the Day of the military glory of Russia – April 18 – opens at the Central Museum of the Patriotic War. This day means the victory day of the troops of Alexander Nevsky over German knights on Lake Peipsi in 1242.

The subject of defending the Homeland is one of the most respected in Russian art culture. It has long traditions dating back to ancient Russia heritage and the vertices of 19-20th centuries.

The exhibition includes paintings and sculpture from the collection of the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the collection of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War and the works of the modern battle painters. The ideological centre of the exposition is the triptych of P.D. Korin and his “Alexander Nevsky” from the Tretyakov’s Gallery collection.

The visual set of the exhibition is enriched with such famous paintings as Surikov’s “The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak”, I.M. Pryashnikov’s “In 1812” and A.P. Bubnov’s “Morning on Kulikovo Field”. Among the works of the 2nd part of the 19th century there is a painting of S.V. Ivanov “The campaign of Muscovites. 16th century”.

The themes of the military duty, the theme of the man’s heroic beginning, the subject of the national heroism are shown at the exhibition through the events of the Great Patriotic War.