Russian libraries: Annual Scientific Conference “Rumyantsev Readings 2012” in the Russian State Library
17-18 April 2012, the Russian State Library, Moscow, is hosting the Annual Scientific Conference "Rumyantsev Readings” 2012. " For a good education." For the 150th anniversary of the opening of the Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum. "
2012 is the year of the 150th anniversary of the opening of the first truly public museum in Moscow – the Moscow Public Museum and the Rumyantsev Museum. The selfless work of employees of the museum and library, a joint effort of representatives of universities and other educational institutions, scientific and artistic societies, collectors and patrons turned it into one of the outstanding cultural, educational and scientific centers of the time.
The purpose of the Rumyantsev Readings 2012 is to attract the attention of the Russian public to the problems of preservation of national values and traditions, expanding cooperation and explore ways of interaction between cultural, educational and scientific institutions for the implementation of their functions at the current stage through the interpretation of historical experience.
The topics for discussion are:
- The role of the government and community initiatives in the formation and development of cultural institutions in different historical periods;
- Libraries, museums, higher education institutions: strategic interaction;
- Lessons from history: from private collection to public museum and library;
- Donors and patrons of the arts: history and modernity;
- The functions of libraries in the provision of information and library services to the public.
Also the conference will focus on the history of libraries, manuscripts and printed books, art books and charts, theory and history of book culture, bibliophily, information technology and e-books, theories and methodologies of book science, library science, bibliography.
The conference is held in the form of plenary session and break up groups. Under the "Rumyantsev Readings" is planned a Plenum of the Interregional Committee of Cataloguing (ICC), a pre-session meeting of the RLA Scientific and Research group and "Audio Library in Cultural Institutions: Preservation of the Sound Musical Heritage" round table, "Cultural Co-operation of Libraries, Museums and Archives. For the 15th anniversary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia” round table. Specialists from libraries, museums, universities, publishing houses, research institutes, public organizations, representatives of state structures are invited to attend. The conference materials will be published as a single edition.