Memory of Russia: “Patriotic War of 1812. The Battle of Borodino” Children’s Interactive Program in St. Petersburg

15 April 2012

"The War of 1812. The Battle of Borodino" Children's Interactive Program launched in the Rumyantsev Mansion in St. Petersburg.

The interactive program devoted to the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, is designed for children of primary and secondary schools. The project not only allows pupils to learn the facts from the history of the famous military campaign, recall the names of famous Russian and French military leaders, but also to "become parties to the "most ambitious and important battle of the War of 1812 – The Battle of Borodino. A big map (24m ²) of the Borodino field and special mobile models will help children to move back in time. Interactive game enables to follow minute by minute how the disposition of the opposing armies during the battle was changing, to understand why were given such orders by the commanders of both sides, and finally answer the question: why did the battle of Borodino was a decisive victory for Russia in the war with Napoleonic France?

In addition, the halls of the Rumyantsev mansion feature portraits of the war heroes, M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov and M. B. Barclay de Tolly; L. L. Benningsen and A. P. Tormasov; battle scenes of famous fights near Vitebsk, in the Borodino field, and others, as well as images depicting the invasion of a huge Napoleon's army into Russia and its retreat after the defeat.

There is also a copy of the famous satirical book for children "Gift to children in memory of the events of 1812" (1815), better known as "Terebenev Alphabet." To each letter of the alphabet corresponds a couplet and a cartoon on the subject of an unsuccessful military campaign of Napoleon's army to Russia. The authors of the etchings included in the publication are: I. I. Terebenev, A. G. Venetsianov, I. A. Ivanov, etc.