World libraries: 1.5 million pages of ancient texts from Oxford University and Vatican libraries to go online

12 April 2012

Bodleian Library at Oxford University and Apostolic Vatican Library will digitize and make available online about 1.5 million pages of ancient texts.

Manuscripts and books, mainly of three thematic areas: Greek manuscripts, printed books and manuscripts of the 15th century and manuscripts in Hebrew, to be converted in digital format. The Apostolic Vatican Library will provide two-thirds of the materials for the project. The initiators of this idea believe that its realization will not only combine the vast archives of the two libraries, but also make them accessible to the widest possible range of researchers and readers.

"The conversion of these ancient texts and images in digital format will transcend time and space, which in the past restricted access to knowledge, - said Sarah Thomas, Bodleian Library representative. - Researchers will be able to use these documents in a new way due to their availability on the Internet."