Internet resources: Yandex presented a new design of its homepage

9 April 2012
Source: CNews

"Yandex" has posted a new version of the design of its home page on the site

Compared with the current version, the new version of the design of information on the main page of "Yandex" has decreased greatly. The search box, along with the company logo and a list of services of "Yandex" above it, became smaller. The company slogan from the logo has also disappeared ("There is everything") and only one brand has been saved.

The panel to enter the postal service "Yandex" from the left side of the page, where it has traditionally housed the last few years, moved to the top right corner of the site. Also there have become fewer references to the company's other services - in particular, the section "Today in the blogs” was removed as it became the tab "in the blog" tab next to the "News" at the top of the site.