History of Saint-Petersburg: Exhibition dedicated to the East history celebration in 19-20s

6 April 2012

An exhibition of the history of Easter celebration in St. Petersburg in the 19-21 centuries opens on April 6, 2012 in the Peter and Paul fortress. It is organized by the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, with the participation of the State Museum of History of Religion, the Imperial Porcelain Factory, the Russian National Library and the Central Archive of Audiovisual Documents.

About 500 exhibits – objects of decorative art, graphics, postcards, photographs, posters, billboards, and books - tell us about the Easter church services, the traditional Easter gifts, Easter table, popular festivities held on these days, as well as anti-religious propaganda of the Soviet time and the modern celebration of Easter.

The revival of the Easter tradition began with the 1990s. The documentaries devoted to celebrating Easter at St. Petersburg in the post-Soviet period end up the exhibition. A collection of modern Easter Imperial Porcelain Factory is also presented here: china eggs, vases and services with Easter symbols of the 2000s.