Book publishing and book distribution: “Russian West” IX International Book Forum in Pskov

5 April 2012

April 5-7, 2012 in Pskov is running the "Russian West" IX International Book Forum.

"Russian West" is the annual cultural event of the Pskov Land which includes book exhibitions and meetings with writers; presentations, concerts, promotions, online seminars, theater performances and historical reconstruction, informative and entertaining programs.

The forum has been organized by the Pskov Oblast Universal Scientific Library under the support of the State Committee for Culture of the Pskov Region.

In order to fully disclose cultural opportunities of Pskov in 2012, the International Book Forum "Russian West" has scheduled the following activities:

- Book Fair, where publishers and book selling organizations can present their book production and sell it;

- "Chudskoye Readings" in the Russian West;

- "From Kremlin to Kremlin" web-bridge;

- "The Russian Statehood and Problems of Development of the Civil Society" conference;

- "Russian glory" Day in Russian House;

- Orthodox Book Day;

- "Five Evenings" (author's presentations and workshops in the "literary" cafe).